Piper (PA-28-140 (Cherokee)
S/N 28-21846 thru 28-21930, 28-21935 thru 28-26946, and 28-7125001 thru 28-7725290. PA-28-150 (Cherokee)
S/N 28-3378 thru 28-4377. PA-28-160 (Cherokee)
S/N 28-3378 thru 28-4377. PA-28-180 (Cherokee)
S/N 28-3378 thru 28-5859, and 28-7105001 thru 28-7205318, PA-28S-180 (Cherokee)
S/N 28-3378 thru 28-5859, and 28-7105001 thru 28-7105234. PA-28-235 (Cherokee)
S/N 28-10720 thru 28-11378, 28-7110001 thru 28-7210023, 28-7310001 thru 28-7710089, and 28E-11. PA-28-236 (Dakota)
S/N 28-7911001 thru 28-8611008, and 2811001 thru 2811050. PA-28-151 (Warrior)
S/N 28-7415001 thru 28-7715314. PA-28-161 (Cadet)
S/N 2841001 thru 2841365. PA-28-161 (Warrior II)
S/N 28-7716001 thru 28-8216300, 28-8316001 thru 28-8616057, 2816001 thru 2816119, and 2842001 thru 2842305. PA-28-161 (Warrior III)
S/N 2816110 thru 2816119, and 2842001 thru 2842305. PA-28-180 (Archer)
S/N 28-E13, and28-7305001 thru 28-7505260. PA-28-181 (Archer II)
S/N 28-7690001 thru 28-8690056, 28-8690061, 28-8690062, and 2890001 thru 2890205. PA-28-181 (Archer III)
S/N 2843001 thru 2843672, and 2890206 thru 2890231. PA-28-201T (Turbo Dakota)
S/N 28-7921001 thru 28-7921095. PA-28R-180 (Arrow)
S/N 28R-30002 thru 28R-31270, and 28R-7130001 thru 28R-7130013. PA-28R-200 (Arrow)
S/N 28R- 35001 thru 28R-35820, and 28R-7135001 thru 28R-7135229. PA-28R- 200 (Arrow II)
S/N 28R-7235001 thru 28R-7635545. PA-28R-201 (Arrow III)
S/N 28R-7737002 thru 28R-7837317, 2837001 thru 2837061, and 2844001 thru 2844138. PA-28R-201T (Turbo Arrow III)
S/N 28R-7703001 thru 28R-7803374, and 2803001 thru2803012. PA-28RT-201 (Arrow IV)
S/N 28R-7918001 thru 28R-7918267, and 28R-8018001 thru 28R-8218026. PA-28RT-201T (Turbo Arrow IV)
S/N 28R-7931001 thru 28R-8631005, and 2831001 thru 2831038. PA-32-260 (Cherokee Six)
S/N 32-601 thru 32-1297, and 32-7100001 thru 32-7800008. PA-32-300 (Cherokee Six)
S/N 32-40000 thru 32-40974, and 32-7140001 thru 32-7940290. PA-32S-300 (Cherokee Six Seaplane)
S/N 32S-40000 thru 32S-40974, and 32S-7140001 thru 32S-7240137. PA-32R-300 (Lance)
S/N 32R-7680001 thru 32R-7880068. PA-32RT-300 (Lance II)
S/N 32R-7885002 thru 32R-7985106. PA-32RT-300T (Turbo Lance II)
S/N 32R-7787001, and 32R-7887002 thru 32R-7987126. PA-32R-301 (Saratoga SP)
S/N 32R-8013001 thru 32R-8613006, 3213001 thru 3213028, and 3213030 thru 3213041. PA-32R-301 (Saratoga II HP)
S/N 3213029, 3213042 thru 3213103, 3246001 thru 3246217, 3246219, and 3246223. PA-32R-301 (Saratoga II HP with Entegra)
S/N 3246218, 3246220 thru 3246222, and 3246224 thru 3246244. PA-32R-301T (Turbo Saratoga SP)
S/N 32R-8029001 thru 32R-8629008, and 3229001 thru 3229003. PA-32-301 (Saratoga)
S/N 32-8006002 thru 32- 8606023, 3206001 thru 3206019, 3206042 thru 3206044, 3206047, 3206050 thru 3206055, and 3206060. PA-32-301T (Turbo Saratoga)
S/N 32-8024001 thru 32-8424002. PA-32R-301T (Saratoga II TC)
S/N 3257001 thru 3257483. PA-32-301FT (Piper 6X)
S/N 3232001 thru 3232074. PA-32-301XTC (Piper 6XT)
S/N 3255001 thru 3255014, and 3255026. PA-32-301XTC (Piper 6XT Entegra)
S/N 3255015 thru 3255025, 3255027, and 3255051. PA-34-200 (Seneca)
S/N 34-E4, and 34-7250001 thru 34-7450220. PA-34-200T (Seneca II)
S/N 34-7570001 thru 34-8170092. PA-34-220T (Seneca III)
S/N 34-8133001 thru 34-8633031, 3433001 thru 3433172, and 3448001 thru 3448037. PA-34-220T (Seneca IV)
S/N 3447001 thru 3447029, and 3448038 thru 3448079. PA-34-220T (Seneca V)
S/N 3449001 thru 3449377. PA-44-180 (Seminole)
S/N 44-7995001 thru 44-8195026, 4495001 thru 4495013, and 4496001 thru 4496251. PA-44-180T (Seminole)
S/N 44-8107001 thru 44-8207020.)